Morocco Earthquake

Morocco Earthquake

6.8 magnitude earthquake that took place in Morocco at 11pm on Friday 8th September 2023, has left almost 2,800 people killed and many more are missing, Morocco finds itself in dire need of immediate assistance and support. The disaster has not only claimed lives but has also brought about widespread destruction, leaving countless families without homes, livelihoods, and, most tragically, their loved ones.

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DUA Charity's Response: In the face of the Morocco earthquake, we have orangised our resources and team members. We understand the urgency of the situation, and our primary objective is to alleviate the suffering of those affected by providing essential aid and support.

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Restoring Hope and Rebuilding Lives

Restoring Hope and Rebuilding Lives

In times of tragedy, it is the strength of community and the compassion of individuals like you that can bring solace and hope to those who have lost so much. DUA Charity's commitment to making a difference is unwavering, but we cannot do it alone.

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